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3 Reasons Why You Should Learn to Lash Online


3 Reasons Why You Should Learn to Lash Online

Jacquie Reyes

Lash Scouts CEO, Jacquelyn Reyes, explains why online training for lash extensions might be a good fit for you.

Are you interested in learning how to create beautiful, voluminous lash extension styles for your clients? Do you already have previous lash extension training but want to upgrade your techniques?

Lash Scouts is all about learning and developing techniques to create beautiful lash shapes and styles for your clients while maximizing your time to take on more clients! Whether you’re new to the lash game or have been in the business for a minute, there’s always something new to learn.

  1. You get to choose where you want to work.

    The internet has been a game changer for multiple businesses and people today don’t have to work in an office. You get to decide where you want to complete your training. Whether you’re at home or my favorite coffee shop, Starbucks (I’m writing this post at Starbucks right now :P), you get to choose where you want to work!

  2. You get to choose when you want to work.

    In the services industry, TIME IS MONEY! Every hour you have available, is an extra hour to service a client to make that extra money honey! So if timing is important to you, then training online is a huge plus. You can go at your own pace or pick and choose which modules you want to learn to improve your technique IMMEDIATELY.

  3. Time + Money = SUCCESS!

    While private trainings are great (I love meeting my students in person!), sometimes your money needs to be prioritized elsewhere! Like on some new lash extension products. You still get to train with ME and you learn all the techniques I use to create those soft, fluffy, full lashes you see on my clients. It’s a great way to prioritize your money but still get to advance your experience in the lashing industry.

Still unsure about online courses? Go to Lash Scouts IGTV for short video trainings.